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Lions Coach Tells Team Awful Truth About Future Chance Of Getting To Super Bowl

Detroit Lions Coach Dan Campbell gave his club the unvarnished reality Sunday after losing to the San Francisco 49ers in the NFC Championship Game. (Watch the video below.)
The Lions fell one victory short of the Super Bowl and remain one of four teams in the NFL to never advance that far. Campbell didn’t seem too optimistic about Detroit’s future chances.
“I told those guys, this may have been our only shot,” Campbell said to reporters. “Do I think that? No. … However, I know how hard it is to get here. I’m well aware. And it’s gonna be twice as hard to get back to this point next year than it was this year.”
“I told those guys – this may have been our only shot… it’s gonna be twice as hard to get back to this point next year.” – Dan Campbell
The Lions were historically good this season ― at least in terms of their franchise. The team won its first division title in 30 years and reached the NFC title game for the first time since 1992.
Campbell is getting some of the blame for the team falling short of the Super Bowl on Sunday because of his controversial decisions on fourth down that helped enable the 49ers’ comeback victory from 17 points down.
“I understand the scrutiny I’ll get ― that’s part of the gig ― but it just didn’t work out,” Campbell said, per ESPN.
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